Sunday, August 23, 2009


for polyvore (:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ashton's Birthday Partyy(:

My friend Ashton had her 13th birthday party today.
I was the first person there cause my dad made me nerd early haha.
Only 2 other people came to the party and she invited like 10 people.
Well we still had fun. We swam, ate cake, went on a walk, watched madison play call of duty
on Xbox and hung out. We were on our walk went to Blake's house and rang his doorbell.
Madison was scared at first because she thought his grandma was going to attack us.
He wasn't home so we went back to Ashton's house and hung out in her playroom.
I checked my facebook on the computer then Maddie (different one then the one I just talked about) got on her myspace and was looking at this guy she met at church camp's profile and he is a player. we found this out after we had Ashton text him and flirted with her while he was also flirting with Maddie. AND HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND! then maddie got all sad and told him to never talk to her again. well i guess i'll go now.

Love ya,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009 (:

I went to my cousin Maddy's 2nd birthday party today.
woohoo fun. not. it was kinda boringg.
I wanted to go cause McKenzie was gonna be there but all
she did was hang out with Coleby. Then when he left she just hung out in her house.
well the cake was good I had 2 pieces cause I m suchh a fattyy (: haha
anyways it wasnt too bad. I didnt do anything else today besides that really.

I'm a boring person.

Love Ya,
Kelsey :D